The Colosseum

jueves, 15 de mayo de 2008

Meaningful events that led to changes in the history of humanity

Ancient Roman is catalogue as one of the most important civilization of history in terms of humanity contributions. Roman civilization did some significant facts, that in this time, not only in our culture but also in all over the world, we can see all the contributions that they left.
We never thought that many things that we have now are inventions of Ancient Roman, such as education, roman law, architecture, coliseum, among other contributions.
First, the way that they educated was very different because it was taught by their parents. However children from rich families were well school because they had in depended tutor. Education was very important to Romans, because it defined the way of how Romans were govern, For example the roman law was the primordial aspect of roman because this law defined how they were organized, roman’s lives, etc. that law all the people who study law have to see or study that law because it influenced to our legislation.
Other important aspect that they did was the architecture, they developed new techniques like improvements in the use of concrete for built a roman arch, this improvement facilitated the constructions of aqueducts. Other example of a great architecture was the famous coliseum, that construction was built as a meetings, gladiatorial contest, etc. this type of architecture allowed to construct many coliseum all over the world. The principal aspect of Roman architecture is that they created a new style that influenced many cultures at that time and in this time.


From 1919 to 1992 Russia was the USSR conformed by 50 countries of eastern Europe the country disappeared alter of Berlin wall fall; the revolution that made Russia communist started on October of 1917 but there is a confusion because they us the Gregorian calendar that have 30 days of difference to our calendar and some people celebrate it in November.

Russia is the biggest country of the world and it is mad by three regions at the west is the European Russia at the east is Asian Russia and at the north is Siberia where the weather can be very cold and get to 40*c under cero but in big cities like Moscow weather is warmer in summer Moscow is about 10*c and in winter season about 14*c Russia have a big population but it is little compared to its big territory, there are about 170 million people but when it was soviet union there were about 200million people

Before of revolution Russia was an ancient monarchy and it’s capital city was saint Petersburg a big and wonderful city built by peter the great who was dreaming with build the biggest port of all the world with palaces, a city like the European cities and he built it over a share and it was incredible hard to finish.


The religion from Russia always has been the Christian orthodox religion, people from Russia is very religious and in the main cities there are incredible churches and cathedrals all of them historic buildings but religion disappeared when the communist rise to the power but it appeared again when Russia became democratic

Family traditions

In little towns family is really large people use to have about 15 or 16 children usually people lived in rural places when the country was communist but when revolution felt people started to moving to the big cities, some people says that maybe revolution times were better because in that times people has always some to eat and they never knew scarcity and people never saw other people starving in the streets and now you can see people with big proprieties and other people in the misery. In the cities people use not to have too much children and cities are like all the big cities of the world they celebrate with their families the Christmas day the 11th of June and in eastern week the main celebration in family is the resurrection of our lord


In the times of the revolution the USSR has the best team of football and hockey in all the world but it seem to be a big smog screen because in Russia people lived a hard situation and the regime only wanted to show a good image to the western world they had the best Olympic athletes because government use to finance the sports


Russia is part of Europe and Asia this last part of territory was not Russian until Ivan the terrible defeat the enemies of Russia in this part of territory and take it for Russia Siberia and central Russia are like two different countries because people is not very similar and both are incredible big but Siberia is not a good place to live because the economic situation and weather

Important events makes important civilizations

Human being needs a group of people with similar costumes and traditions and a group of common laws that make a equal society with justice and where people can live a peaceful life and the future of the world can change by the things that affects only one civilization or a successful civilization can expand its culture to all the world this is the case of a society with the big meaning of the roman civilization that is the basis of our modern civilization in the most important things like literature architecture and laws that came to us because during the roman empire happened important things that change world’s history

Consequently one of this things were the Punic wars that change history of culture the most important civilization in the world was the Carthaginian that trade with all the people of Mediterranean sea and they always had an important rivalry with roman empire by commerce and try to eliminate them but Rome won the war and changed the culture in the north of Africa to the same culture as Rome

Civilizations have too much enemies but the one invincible is the nature power and Rome can say that it was true there was a big city named Pompey and it was roman that city was necessary because it was important for Mediterranean commerce and people who lived there were famous politicians and rich people but one day the Vesuvius volcano erupted and it was the end of the life of about more than five hundred thousand people who use to live there

In the life of a important civilizations always happens things that could change the world is important to note that it is what defines the main civilizations to the others and important events can change our history and the life of too much people


Ancient Rome was the largest city in the then known world. It is thought that Rome’s population was over 1 million people when the city was at the height of its power.

There are many things of the way of life of the Romans that still persists in our culture. For example, as well as in ancient Rome, in our culture the roles played by family members are very similar. In former Rome age the man was commanding at the home and they were going out to work to obtain the food and the sustenance for their homes, while women were doing the things of the home, such as cook, clean, wash the clothes, among others. Although some things in our society have changed a bit regarding the roles of family members, the idea that man is leaving to work towards the sustenance of the family, and the woman takes care of things in the house, remains unchanged.

Moreover, the Romans made a great effort to invent things that make easier their way of life. The Roman engineering took place magnificent buildings which until today still can be seen all around Western Europe, things like bathrooms, roads, theatres, the wall of Adriano, even things resolved as important as water supply in the city, aqueduct.

miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2008


Ancient Rome civilization had many different forms of entertainment that also differs to the hierarchical organization, wealthy or poor people. Wealthy people during ancient Rome had all the privileges such as work, education and even the way of entertainment. Wealthy people did exercises like jumping, wrestling, boxing and racing. Their pastimes were fishing, hunting, dice games, board games, and gamble games, but poor or wealthy women did not take part in these pastimes, that is not the same situation with children because they did activities to entertained themselves like play with toys and play leapfrog. In wealthy parties they usually danced, read poetry, ate many kind of dishes, drank wine, etc. A popular entertainment were gladiatorial combats, gladiators were prisoners, they fought a life or death with several weapons (sometimes armed or unarmed) and into the arena were wild animals. Themselves were in the hands of the emperor, he made a hand gesture, that was holding a raised fist to the winning, the gesture of death that many films show us were thumbs down is not prove, many experts say that no one is certain of what the gestures were.

lunes, 12 de mayo de 2008


In ancient rome sports were an important activity not only for the economic adventages that it would have it was because the sports like gladiators fighting can stop wars and give entretainment to people sports and games in ancient rome were based on war and the best way to practice for it the main entretainment was the activities on colliseum ,it was a enormous stadium with capacity for more than five thousand people.gladiators not always were slaves many of them were free people with economic problems who sold themselves to fight.this sport was not only a violent sport it was a complex show with animals and extreme violence just like the war that is the origin of it and some roman gladiators were famous heroes in their moment like nowadays atlethes .

domingo, 13 de abril de 2008



Through the years of history, we have had a lot of people who all we have considered relevant since ancient civilizations because of their contributions and all the things that they did in the past, these things have an effect on the history because they left a mark that everybody remembers. I am going to compare two remarkable people Aquilles and Paris, two big heroes of Greek culture.

First and foremost Achilles, a Greek hero, was the son of Peleus, Myrmidons king, and Tetis, sea nymph. He was educated by Quiron and his mother, Quiron taught him how to play the lyre, ride a horse and hunt. On the other hand, Paris known as Alexander, was the son of Priam, king of Troy and Hecuba. He was not brought up by his parents because when he was born, was predicted that he will cause Troy destruction, so he was abandoned in the forest. He was fed by a bear and educated by shepherds.

Second, Both heroes, Achilles and Paris distinguished themselves of their bravery and courage since their childhood. They showed to everybody their abilities that they had, for example when the fought during funerals games. Not only Achilles had a human aspect, his love of Polixena but also Paris showed that he had that aspect too, his heart belonged to Helena.

In conclusion Achilles and Paris were two different heroes, but both were remarkable in the history because they demonstrated that they were unique in several aspects like love, war, education, etc. that I mentioned and explained above.

miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2008


Rome civilization was organized as a hierarchical society with free citizens at the top, freedmen above them and at the bottom were slaves. This hierarchical way of society was utilized for everything, for example work because slaves had different kind of jobs that they played compared to free citizens. Slaves had to do the hardest job because foreign wars made them increasingly cheap, so did not earn money. They worked on the land plowing, cultivating, everything that involves agriculture. The economy was dependent on slave labor for both skilled and unskilled work. All slaves were supervised by free citizens (patricians), they owned all privileges, they did not make hard jobs, and they just controlled agriculture. It was not necessary for Patricians to have skills to perform any job because they had all the power, but to have this power they had to have properties, land, and slaves.

In roman civilization the purpose of art is to paint a portrait of the daily life, cities and landscapes most of them was made as a symbol of social status they also made relief sculptures to remember war victories in this civilization the art was hard work mainly architecture that needs too much workers ,most of them slaves.

Rome civilization commanded huge area of land, with a lot of natural and human resources. Their economy was based on agriculture and trade. They had others activities like industrial and manufacturing but they were smaller at that time, so the principal source was the agriculture. Work was depended by society hierarchy because slaves used to work to live in that world where the winner was the person who had the power. In conclusion slaves did not need a specific training because they must be prepared to any kind of work. The primary target of education was to train teenagers in warfare and roman traditions; their parents taught them about civic life, and the sons of nobles were educated to important political figure.

martes, 11 de marzo de 2008


The Rome mythology explains how Rome was founded. All the Rome history started with a hero Troyano Eans, he fled to Italy because he was escaping from other city.
Then he founded the Lavinium and Alba Longa cities. Subsequently his relatives Romulo and Remo founded Rome.

The roman family not only included a husband, wife and children, but also their slaves. This civilization was considered very strong because roman men were the authority of the house, they were always over the women. One important point is that they could decide about their babies’ life.
If they decided to raise them, their parents had to make a special ceremony to name their babies. They gave three different names to the baby; the first name was common, the second one referred to the clan and the last one referred to the family branch. In addition, on this day they received a gold or leather bulta (necklace).
Talking about other topic of Rome customs for poor and wealthy people; these customs were different to other towns, cultures, civilizations and even in the same Rome civilization; Good example is the poor and wealthy people. For example the funerals for poor people were always simple, but for wealthy people were always extraordinary, they made a procession through the streets of Rome.

jueves, 28 de febrero de 2008


The Rome mythology explains how Rome was founded. All the Rome history started with a hero Troyano Eans, he fled to Italy because he was escaping from other city.
Then he founded the Lavinium and Alba Longa cities. Subsequently his relatives Romulo and Remo founded Rome.

The roman family not only included a husband, wife and children, but also their slaves. This civilization was considered very strong because roman men were the authority of the house, they were always over the women. One important point is that they could decide about their babies’ life.
If they decided to raise them, their parents had to make a special ceremony to name their babies. They gave three different names to the baby; the first name was common, the second one referred to the clan and the last one referred to the family branch. In addition, on this day they received a gold or leather bulta (necklace).
Talking about other topic of Rome customs for poor and wealthy people; these customs were different to other towns, cultures, civilizations and even in the same Rome civilization; Good example is the poor and wealthy people. For example the funerals for poor people were always simple, but for wealthy people were always extraordinary, they made a procession through the streets of Rome.

martes, 26 de febrero de 2008


Roman men were the most distinguished people in ancient Rome. The men were the masters of the house and the family. During the day, they worked outside of the home.
Rich men had roles very different from the poor men of Rome. If you had been a rich man, you would have begun your day by putting on your toga and eating a breakfast of bread, cheese, honey, and water. The rich man would then begin his work, which might include writing letters to other Romans, seeing clients, and going to the forum to meet other businessmen.
Poorer men were craftsmen, shopkeepers, or farmers. If you had been a poor man in ancient Rome, you would have started the day at first light. Since you could not afford to buy much food, you would eat only bread for breakfast. The rest of the day included working at the workshop or in the fields.

Women in ancient Rome, like the men, wore long togas made of silk in the summer or wool in the winter. Roman women always wore makeup and jewelry and always fixed their hair to look beautiful. Unlike men, women were expected to stay at home every day so they could complete the chores around the house and watch the children while their husbands were at work. Very few women were allowed to hold jobs such as being a teacher or doctor.
Women with wealthy husbands lived differently from those with poor husbands. For example, if you had been a wealthy woman in Rome, you would have usually spent a day planning a dinner party to take place when your husband got home. Poor women in Rome, on the other hand, woke up at the same time as their husbands and worked in the house or fields all day. Usually poor women had to complete a great deal of work since they did not have the money to pay for the help of slaves. Women were not nearly as respected as men in ancient Rome.

Boys and girls in ancient Rome dressed in togas like those of their parents, but usually were short instead of long.
Children of wealthy families in ancient Rome usually started school when they were seven years old. Boys stayed at school longer than girls and learned different things. For example, girls who went to school learned how to spin, weave, cook, and clean so they would be able to care for a house when they were married. Girls of poor families learned all of these things at home since they could not afford to go to school. Almost all boys, except for those of very poor families went to school to learn how to read, write in Latin and Greek, do math, and make speeches. These skills were necessary for boys who wished to get a job in the government.

When girls were 14 years old, their fathers planned a marriage for them. When they married the man chosen by their father, the girls left their house to live with their new husband and his family. Boys were not allowed to marry until they were 15 years old. At this time, they were also allowed to vote and get a job.

miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2008


For us, ancient civilizations are a group of people who have the same customs and cultures. They lives in cities and developed different technologies through science to improve their quality of life.
The ancient rome is interesting for us because it is the most similar to ours. Much of our language and our culture comes from this civilization, also has a long and interesting history.
We would like to live in a civilization like Rome, becouse their lifestyle was very similar to ours.

martes, 12 de febrero de 2008


The family was the most important thing for the Romans, it was the most important before all other obligations; such as civil, politic, and military obligations. The family was the way for transmission of moral character. The institution of the Roman family was strengthened by a healthiness, a solidarity, and a spirit of uprightness and self-restraint superior to that of perhaps all other ancient peoples. Roman families were very diverse. The Basis of Roman civil law was the familia, a group consisting of a head, the paterfamilias, and his descendants in the male line. Free members and slaves, all under the guardianship and control of the paterfamilias, were also part of the familia. Free members were the wives, unmarried children (biological and adopted) and other dependents. The members of the family had no voice in the Curiae, yet they were subject to its decisions and laws, as well as to the decisions made on the family level by the patriarch.


Our purpose with this blog is to invite people to learn more about The Ancient Rome, especially how it was formed, their culture, their families and more.


Our blog contains information about Ancient Rome. This blog can be used by people who want to know more about the ancient rome, their culture, how are their families and their society and much more.

sábado, 9 de febrero de 2008


The members of our group are:
  • Jennaise Jackson, who is studying industrial engineering at the Sabana University. She was born in San Andres Island, but she lives in Bogota.
  • Javier Piñeros, who is studying communications and journalism at the Sabana University. He was born in Bogota and currently lives with his parents in this city.
  • Silvia Granados, who is studying medicine at the Sabana University and also lives in bogota with her parents.